Happy Mom Happy Family

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Say it Ain't So... (Newsletter 2/10/20)

Happy Monday Happy Mom!
     No matter how many times I told my baby to stop getting older, she didn't listen to me! My baby girl is turning 13 tomorrow and it's a sad day for me. I would absolutely LOVE to go back 13 years (skipping over the labor and delivery of my 10-pound baby) and raise my children again. Being a mom is just so much fun. When your kids are adults, it really makes you cherish the moments even more. In a month my third child will join adulthood. I have to say one of my greatest joys is remaining close to each of my children and spending time with them, having them confide in me, and seeing them mature.
     With three of my children at pivotal moments in their lives, my husband and I have been discussing quite frequently each of our children's strengths and weaknesses. My oldest is about to graduate from college in May. She has been through and overcame many obstacles in the past year and I am so proud of her for being able to pick herself up and forge forward. She has great plans for her future. I've learned how important it is to be there for my children especially when things don't go as planned. My #1 takeaway from my oldest is that children need to know that our love and support is unconditional. My second daughter is taking a semester off school and preparing for a 18-month church mission. My takeaway from her is parents sometimes need to give tough love, but emphasis on the love and empathy. As parents we need to model financial wisdom and encourage our children to save money, spend wisely, and work hard. I'm so proud of this girl for her life decisions and I know things will work out. Which brings me to my older son, my third child. He's turning 18 next month and will be graduating from high school in May. Last year was probably the most trying year in his life as he sustained a spinal injury which left him unable to participate in sports. Previously a pure athlete, participating in jiu jitsu, wrestling, water polo, and judo, he has battled emotional lows and physical pain. But through it all, he has been able to make important decisions, grow spiritually, and learn the importance of enduring through life's trials. I have learned empathy and truly appreciate how many life lessons I can learn from my children. 
     Yes, I have two more children and I love them just as much. But I feel like my young adults are at peak points in life where choosing a certain path will be so significant. My younger kids are going through life with grace. My younger son just won a championship wrestling tournament this past weekend. My weekends have been consumed with wrestling tournaments since November. There's just one more tournament this season, the state championship in two weeks. My baby is turning 13 tomorrow, as already mentioned and she's busy navigating the world of Middle School. All in all, what I'm trying to instill in my children is hard work plus integrity plus desire to serve others equals a life with no limits.
     I hope that I am modeling this belief by chasing my dreams, while working hard and doing everything with integrity. Please forgive me for not being as active in this community recently. Each week my workload for my Master's program gets heavier than the last. I hope that you'll all rejoice with me when I graduate in August! I want you to know that I believe so strongly in my Mommy Care Checklist, that even with my full-time teaching responsibilities, full-time student life, and church leadership commitments, I do make time for weekly date nights (even if it's a late night movie or a long drive), exercise, monthly girls' night out, self-care, reading, and individual time with each child. It's not about balance, but rather it's all about priorities. Make that list, check it twice, be true to yourself, and love yourself. 
     Please share what you chose to do for YOU on the Happy Moms Facebook page. I hope you all have the best week ever. Put a priority on yourself. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

What's on the Menu this week?

MONDAY: Burritos
TUESDAY: Alfredo Pasta with Asparagus
WEDNESDAY: Mixed Vegetables over Noodles
THURSDAY: Tofu and Veggie Japanese Curry
FRIDAY: Grilled Veggies and Shrimp Shumai with Ponzu Sauce, Rice
SATURDAY: Black Bean Burgers, Grilled Veggie Kabobs
SUNDAY: Brown Rice & Quinoa in Taco Shells

What's happening at Happy Moms?
I'm working on a special course for you as well as new photos for my website. Also, join me for my LIVE Mommy Chat on Friday 4:30 pm Hawaii time at fb.me/happymomhappyfamilycom
What's happening in my home?
We discovered Karter is super allergic to dust so we have been deep cleaning. Since we have a break from wrestling this weekend, we will wash all our screens. Our plant-based diet has been going great for the 5 of us.   

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Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with making time for yourself. If you need a pep talk to realize your worth, feel free to email me at mahele@happymomhappyfamily.com and please post comments or suggestions on my Happy Moms Facebook page.

Happily Yours,