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8 steps to Be Better

Maya Angelou said, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." Recently, I went to a musical presentation which included guest speakers too. I recognized that many of the speeches were about personal experiences of getting better, learning, and growing. I found myself overwhelmed with admiration for all the participants, but also energized to be a better person. So, how can I be a better me?
     I came up with a list (in no particular order) of how I could do better and be better:
1. Conscientiously Recycle
If you live in Hawaii, you can go to opala.org and learn which items go in the blue recycle bin. I'm also going to be more directive to my students about throwing recyclables into the proper container. I'll bring in a separate bin so they don't throw their plastic bottles into my trash cans. When my daughter and I go on our weekly walks at the beach, I will pick up any trash or plastics I see and dispose of them properly.
2. Educate myself about Important Local and World Topics
I always say I don't watch the news because it's too depressing. However, this year I am requiring my students to share Current Events weekly. And I realize that these teens have true opinions on Hot Topics. So as their teacher, I can no longer live in ignorant bliss. I need to educate myself on what's happening in this world because there is a cause and effect situation going on. There are things happening that can and will affect not only me, but my children, my family, my students, my friends, and others I care about. My entire life as a mother, I've been telling my kids to get involved, "put yourself out there," and to do good. My oldest daughter is a great example to me of changing the world. She can be found at human rights seminars, save the earth rallies, Minority group gatherings, and many other awareness presentations. 
3. Treat my body with respect
I am on a healthy lifestyle journey, but sometimes I fill my body with junk. Why are Fire Cheetos so tasty? Ugh! I need to respect myself enough to take care of this one body I have. I need to love my family members enough to show them that I am actively contributing to being around for them for a long, long time. I need to kick bad habits so that I am an example of self-control and success to my children.
4. Be Positive and Stop Throwing Up on People
I have a goal to be a positive person that others like being around. But I do recognize that I often unload my issues on others. When friends ask me how I am or how my weekend was, I want to change my response to reflect the blessings in my life instead of sharing my frustrations. Of course, if there's a major problem I'm having, I know who I can turn to, but I don't need to let everyone who asks "How are you?" know the details. I'm going to practice smiling more so I think of happy thoughts first.
5. Think Positive
This relates to the previous point except it's more self-reflective. I need to have positive self-talk. I need to return to reciting my affirmations every morning. Everything will fall into place with a positive outlook.
6. Stop Blaming
My husband is going to love this one. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. I need to remind myself constantly that I am in control of myself and myself only. How I react to situations is under my control. If I feel a certain way, it's my fault. 
7. Be Kinder and More Polite
I am going to hold the door open for 10 people this week. It's part of my Class Norms to "Be Kind and Polite." So I better darn well do it! I will say please and thank you more. I will genuinely listen to people's responses when I ask, "How are you?" I will tell 10 people today to have a great day! I will ask my family members what they need from me daily and happily do it.
8. Buy Local
I do shop at the local Farmer's Market regularly, but I also shop at Costco and Sam's Club for convenience and savings. I can still choose organic when I shop at these warehouses. I want to be more specific about supporting companies that are doing the right thing. This includes the clothing I buy also. I want to contribute positively to the environment. I know buying local and organic costs a little more, but it's worth it because my small act will contribute to my children's future. 
     My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be a better version of me. I want to be a little better each day. I will start up a journal again or just a daily reflection notebook so I can look back at the previous day/week/month and make sure I'm always moving forward.

Remember to be kind to yourself, love yourself, and be better every day.