Happy Mom Happy Family

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Procrastination is a pain in the butt! (Newsletter 3/2/20)

Happy Monday Happy Mom!
     Yesterday, I sat for 12 hours and wrote my two final papers for my Spring term classes. I sat so long that my butt still hurts today. Has that ever happened to you? Well, I guess I tortured myself since it was my fault for putting off these papers until the due date! I also teach full-time so it's not like I was fooling around instead of doing my homework. I guess I could have possibly stayed home Friday night instead of going out to dinner with my family, but that didn't happen. I also could have stayed home Saturday instead of going to my last Kamehameha Ho'olaue'a as a parent. But my princess wanted to go, so we went. I am thankful to have one week off this week from my classes since I have students' work to grade and a stack of mail/bills so high I can't see my desk at home. My goal is to have a clean desk by Friday. Okay, I put that out into the universe. What is your goal for the week?
     I did make it to the gym after work today so at least I started my week off right. I didn't get a chance to meal plan/prep for the week so I'm thinking about this week's dinners as I type this. Since my family has gone plant-based, our meals are pretty simple and unexciting. But it works! My son's homework assignment over the weekend was to write a 3-page essay on the documentary "Forks Over Knives." He was up past midnight with me working on his assignment as I worked on mine (yes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree). But my point is if you haven't watched it, check it out on Netflix when you have time. A plant-based diet has so many benefits. My 15-year-old son has been plant-based for two months, now and he's able to perform at his peak as an athlete (wrestling and judo). Last year I tried out the keto diet and it's ironic how I am now eating the complete opposite now. The keto diet was too hard for me to sustain; too much planning involved. Our staples are brown rice & quinoa packets (burrito bowls), broccoli, bok choy, green salads, coconut milk, almond butter, and dairy-free ice cream. My kids haven't' quite given up dairy yet (cheese), but they have cut down. And we eat fish once a week. Baby steps.
     It's March now and I decided instead of thinking oh gosh two months are gone and I haven't stuck with all my plans and goals, I'm going to think- I have 10 more months to succeed. I want to encourage you to take a look at your goal poster and circle one thing you will work on this week and five things you will work on in March. Also, go out this week, either with your significant other, a child, or your friends. Happy Moms Facebook page
     Please share what you chose to do for YOU on the Happy Moms Facebook page. I hope you all have the best week ever. Put a priority on yourself. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

What's on the Menu this week?

MONDAY: Baked Salmon, green salad
TUESDAY: Brown Rice & Quinoa Burrito Bowl 
WEDNESDAY: Cake Noodles with Choi Sum
THURSDAY: Kale Salad, Brocolli in the air fryer, Fried Tofu
FRIDAY: Tofu Curry (Japanese style)
SATURDAY: Grilled Veggies with Ponzu Sauce, Rice
SUNDAY: Roasted Potatoes, Asparagus, Salad

What's happening at Happy Moms?
I'm working on a new article for you as well as new photos for my website. Also, join me for my LIVE Mommy Chat on Friday 5:30 pm Hawaii time at fb.me/happymomhappyfamilycom
What's happening in my home?
Nothing out of the ordinary. We are gearing up for Spring Break and Kamehameha Song Contest and my second daughter coming home. Grammy is also coming to visit from Maui soon. 

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Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with making time for yourself. If you need a pep talk to realize your worth, feel free to email me at mahele@happymomhappyfamily.com and please post comments or suggestions on my Happy Moms Facebook page.

Happily Yours,