I am a happy mom of five kids. I am a working mom who runs my household, takes care of my family and knows my worth. It took me a while to come to grips with the fact that leaving my children to go to work was okay. And that because I work a lot does not mean I don't love my children. They mean the world to me. I think about them when I'm at work. I am beyond excited to see them after work and school.

      My story is unique because I have a close relationship with all five of my children. I know they appreciate my support and me being at their sports/club events. While other teenagers are embarrassed by their parents, my children always come out of their groups to kiss and hug me when they see me. I am constantly asked how I have such a special relationship with my children and my advice is to spend time with your children doing what interests them. Yes, you can give up TV, phone games, and surfing social networks to spend time with your children. I try to always turn the car ride to and from school into quality time with my kids.

      As I browsed parenting websites and mommy blogs, I noticed that most focused on pregnancy, or babies & toddlers.

My goal is to be a source for mothers whose children are preteen and older (you know, those oh so wonderful years of hormones).

Right now I have a child in middle school, one in high school, two in college, and one college graduate (I know!). You can read more about them in the My Children section on my website. I want to share my experience and research on raising children according to their unique personalities and learning styles. 

      I will also share why self-care is so important and how to schedule it in to an already full calendar. Once I accepted that I'm a working mom whose kids know how important they are to me, I realized that when I'm not at work, I don't have to give them 100% of my attention. I had an epiphany about how when I feel good about myself I'm a better person to my family. I need to take care of myself too! It's true- A happy mom does equal a happy family!

      WHY ME?

      With all the parenting advice out there, why should you listen to me? Well, I am a mom. I am a working mom. I am a HAPPY mom. I am a mom of FIVE kids. I can honestly say almost everyday I get asked how I do it all- how I work so much and spend so much time with my family and volunteer in my community. Also, how I raise such respectful, kind, hard-working, independent children. How I have a 15-year-old son who walks into my classroom and shouts "Hi Mom! I love you, mom!" How my two college kids text me everyday. How I've dealt with broken bones and broken hearts. How I've experienced 1st place medals and lost championships. And so much more.

My goal is to show you that you are beautiful! I will address your pains and celebrate your joyful moments. I want you to believe that YOU ARE THE BEST MOM IN THE WORLD!


  • You're tired of coming home from work too exhausted and stressed out to enjoy your children

  • You sometimes feel unappreciated

  • You feel guilty when you'd rather be taking a nap or reading a good book than cooking dinner

  • You look in the mirror and are not happy with what you see

  • You desire a better relationship with your child(ren)

  • You're ready to go to bed content and wake up excited EVERY SINGLE DAY

  • You are ready to try something new and become part of a wonderful community of moms



“Mahele, YOU encourage me with how you do life! Your family is such an inspiration and amazing example of what loving, growing and sharing and being a family is all about!”

— Quinn M.


“You are an awesome mom. Thanks for reminding me to treasure every moment.”

— Lisa M.


“You are the most amazing mother, wife, woman, sister, friend ever. Your patience is unending and I can't understand how you continue to give to everyone in your life and still find time to take care of yourself.”

— Tina L.

