

Newsletter 3/26/18

Newsletter 3/26/18

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Happy Monday Happy Mom!

      I know it's super late right now and you probably already had dinner, but I wanted to make sure you know I didn't forget about you. I hope your Monday was fantastic. 
      Last week I was able to attend a conference that really helped me recharge and be fed mentally and spiritually. One of the workshops stressed the importance of "Do It Now." Why do we make goals and write out plans only to hide them in a notebook? What are some roadblocks that we as moms hit that cause us to put our intentions on hold and move farther from our targets?
      Whatever your situation is I want you to know that you are not alone. Every mom has those moments that they just want to hide in a closet and eat chocolate. We all have that dream of soaking in a salt bath with bubbles surrounding us while eating chocolate-covered strawberries. Personally, I look forward to my Saturday mornings when I get to sleep an extra hour, go to the gym, then sit at a coffee cafe or juicery and sip a drink slowly while browsing social media, checking my emails, video chatting with my older daughters, and just relaxing. From the time I leave the house to the gym until the time I reach home, it's about two hours. Then I go home, take care of my home and family, and put time into my business. Of course, this doesn't happen every Saturday. But I try to remind myself to take deliberate, scheduled breaks from life to read for fun, stick my toes in the sand, and put my phone on do not disturb for a day. 
     Then it's back to purposefulness and doing things with intent. If you have goals to move forward, then Do It Now. Just put in the work now, keep trudging along, and commit fully to yourself. If you wanted to do the weight loss challenge, but haven't started, Do It Now. If you want to get more done at work, Do It Now. If you planned to clean your house during Spring Break, but haven't started, Do It Now!
      I'm here for you if you need some words of encouragement or a push in the right direction. Don't forget you are part of a community of Moms with superpowers. 
      Have the best week ever. Put a priority on yourself. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

No More Foolin’ Around Menu

No More Foolin’ Around Menu

What's on the Menu this week?    
I will be following the 'No More Foolin' Around Menu, but the kids and hubby will have this:                 
MONDAY: Chili Dogs
TUESDAY: Leftover Corned Beef and Cabbage (I froze the leftovers)
WEDNESDAY: Tortilla Land Tortillas with Eggs, Bacon & Cheese
THURSDAY: Grilled Chicken, Green Salad, Avocado 
FRIDAY: Big Green Salad with Lemon Juice and Steak
SATURDAY: Eat Out (possibly CPK pizza)
SUNDAY: Tuna Melt, Baby Carrots

What's happening at Happy Moms?
I'll be posting a new article on Wednesday in which I will Get Real with you. And the 'No More Foolin' Around challenge ends this Sunday, April Fool's Day. Also, please RSVP by this Saturday on my Facebook page for my Color Code Workshop on April 13th at 6:30 pm. Lastly, please join me for a LIVE Coffee Chat on Friday at 11:00 am on

What's happening in my home?
Another week of Spring Break. Planning a hike, a movie day, a service project, and a couple beach days. Oh and Happy Easter!

Have a Happy week! Enjoy time with your children, make time for your significant other, and do something for yourself. Feel free to email me at and please post comments or suggestions on my Happy Moms Facebook page.

Happily Yours,

I Once Lived In A Car

I Once Lived In A Car

Newsletter 3/19/18

Newsletter 3/19/18