

Back to school??? (Newsletter 7/13/20)

Back to school??? (Newsletter 7/13/20)

Happy Monday Happy Mom!

Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.
— Couros

I believe there has not been any other time than the present when technology was as significant in education. Although technology in education has existed for a very long time, the Covid19 pandemic has made the use of technology in education imperative. There is a general consensus that today’s teachers are expected to be well-trained not only in the areas of pedagogical and content knowledge but also in integrating technological knowledge into instruction and delivery in order to impact student learning outcomes. 
        I just spent the entire day in online training on a digital learning platform my school will be using this school year. I must say it's a bit daunting being a teacher right now since I need to essentially prepare 3 different curricula- an online, hybrid, and in-person. While I teach at a private school that provides laptops to all its students, I have two children of my own who attend public schools that do not provide laptops. The Hawaii public schools have decided that students will return to school on August 5th in various different forms. The instruction delivery will be very similar to that of my private school in that there will be learning in class, online, and blended. So how can we, as parents, help our children succeed in school this year?

  • Look over the course syllabus of each class with your child(ren)

  • Pay attention to the school calendar, bell schedule, and in-person versus online learning dates

  • Check-in with your child daily

  • Communicate with the teachers regularly as soon as questions or concerns arise

  • Create a learning environment at home

  • Download a focus or timer app on your child's phone (or yours if they don't have a phone)

  In the past having weekly family meetings was a suggestion, but with this new learning situation, it's a necessity. On Sundays, you must gather and go over each family member's schedule. There will be a few days of in-person learning and a few days of online learning each week. You will have multiple different schedules. I highly recommend setting up a command center in your home with a large color-coded calendar. There are many ideas on Pinterest. Here's a link to one of my favorites:
         This new norm will take a lot more effort on our parts. I've always thought of education as a partnership between the school and the family. There's never been a time when that partnership is as pertinent as the present. Good luck with sending your children back to school. Don't panic. Be patient with your children and their teachers. Don't forget to take care of yourself so you can take care of your precious children. There are many meditation or yoga apps you can download. Remember, your children will react the same way you react to situations. We are all learning together.
           Please post any comments or suggestions around education during a pandemic on the Facebook page. Also, share what you chose to do for YOU on the Happy Moms Facebook page. I hope you all have the best week ever. Put priority on yourself. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

I became a Happy Mom 22 years ago

I became a Happy Mom 22 years ago

What's on the Menu this week?                                  
MONDAY: Walnut Shrimp, Orange Chicken, Rice
TUESDAY: Shake 'n Bake Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
WEDNESDAY: Kim Chee Stew
THURSDAY: Taco Salad
FRIDAY: Baked Fish, Rice, Choi Sum
SATURDAY: Lau lau, Poke, Rice
SUNDAY: Okonomiyaki

Me and my first child

Me and my first child

What's happening at Happy Moms?
I'm working on a new article about education. Also, join me for my LIVE Mommy Chat on Friday 5:30 pm Hawaii time at

What's happening in my home?
Summer school has ended for me, Kiera still has one more week, and everyone is feeling a little bit nervous about school starting up.  

Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with making time for yourself. If you need a pep talk to realize your worth, feel free to email me at and please post comments or suggestions on my Happy Moms Facebook page.

Happily Yours,

Are you comfortable? (Newsletter 6/29/20)

Are you comfortable? (Newsletter 6/29/20)