

Busy, Busy, Busy... (Newsletter 9/24/19)

Busy, Busy, Busy... (Newsletter 9/24/19)

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Happy Priority Tuesday Happy Mom!
     So, how busy are you this week? Are moms ever not busy? How can we make time for 1) exercise, 2) our loved ones, 3) our social life, 4) our sanity, and 5) work obligations outside of work hours? Since I am teaching full-time and getting my Masters online right now, I have been busier than before. But there are a few things that I do that keep me sane which I wanted to share with you. 

  1. Get enough sleep (at least 7 hours)

    I set my phone on Do Not Disturb mode from 10pm to 5am. I set an alarm on my phone for 8:55pm for prayer and reading with family. That usually lasts around 15 minutes. Then I have time to wind down, prepare my work bag and gym bag for the next day, personal hygiene, and I'm nicely tucked into bed by 10! If you don't get enough sleep, then you tend to be sluggish and unfocused the next day. And possibly even grumpy. You'll spend more time on social media and less time on getting work done. You might skimp on your appearance, then feel "blah" all day. So, remember to get that beauty rest every night!

  2. Exercise Daily
    Getting physical activity in daily really truly helps you get more done! You'll never regret exercising, but you may regret skipping a workout. It energizes you and makes you ready to attack your daily tasks. I remember in college I use to study until midnight, then go for a quick run to combat falling asleep, then study more. Now that I'm a student again, exercising is still essential. I do a 30-minute workout after work, then go home and do the mommy thing, then study and do homework. If I miss my workout, I feel even more tired. Funny how that works! Some people are morning exercisers and that works too! I use to be a morning exerciser, but I figured out that I needed more sleep and there was no way I could get to bed earlier, so I switched to working out in the afternoon. Whatever works for your needs is best!

  3. Calendar your Priorities
    Every month your calendar should have at least one appointment each of these:
    1. Fun
    2. Date Night
    3. GNO
    4. Time with each child
    5. "Me" Time

    Write each appointment in pen on your calendar and don't cancel!

  4. Use Timers for Mindless Activities
    Set Timers and make scheduled plans for time to go on social media, Netflix or other entertainment, texting friends, surfing the net, and playing games.

  5. Make a Daily List of Priorities
    As Mark Twain said, "Eat the frog first. And if you have to eat two frogs, eat the biggest frog first." It's better to prioritize and complete things in order of priority than to multitask. Utilize technology. Make a list on your phone using notes or reminders. Set alarms on your phone with daily tasks as the names of the alarms. I have so many alarms set on my phone, but they are absolutely necessary. Sometimes I honestly wouldn't know what I was doing if my alarm didn't ring and let me know "Jordyn's party" or "pick up Kiera" or "mom doctor." Use technology to help, not hinder. 

  6. Enlist Help
    Sometimes we moms want to appear as though we have it all together and we can do it all. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or failure. Asking for help is a necessity to avoid insanity. Let your kids know if there's an extra busy week coming up. My kids at home are 12, 14, and 17 years old. I have them each prepare dinner one night a week. My husband will prepare dinner at least one night a week, so that leaves only 3 nights for me and we usually end up eating out or getting takeout once so it's really just twice a week for me. But I had to put it out there and say, "hey family, I need your help." If you can join a carpool to open up time to complete important tasks (when it's not your turn to drive), do it. If you can form a group of moms that are willing to take turns taking everyone's kids to the park one day a week, do it. Anytime you can open up a window for some extra time for your main priorities by enlisting help, do it. 

Okay, so now you know how I am able to stay sane as a working mom in full-time school right now. Remember, we are all busy, but putting emphasis on priorities and taking care of yourself is key. Remember to show love and kindness to yourself. Please share what you chose to do for YOU on the Happy Moms Facebook page.

I hope you all have the best week ever. Put a priority on yourself. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

What's on the Menu this week?

MONDAY: Curry Fried Rice, Garlic Bok Choy & Onions
TUESDAY: Chinese Chicken Salad
WEDNESDAY: Chicken Quesadillas
THURSDAY: DiGiorno Pizza
FRIDAY: Alfredo Pasta
SATURDAY: Grilled Steak, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers
SUNDAY: Shoyu Chicken, Green Salad, Corn

What's happening at Happy Moms? Unfortunately, Happy Moms is on a little hiatus due to this Happy Mom having so much homework for my Masters degree program. But I am still posting on the Facebook Page. If you need any specific mom advice, let me know please.

What's happening in my Home?

Right now all 3 kids are getting higher than a 3.5 and are gearing up for finals next week. 

Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with making time for yourself. If you need a pep talk to realize your worth, feel free to email me at and please post comments or suggestions on my Happy Moms Facebook page.

Happily Yours,

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