

Just do one! (Newsletter 5/4/20)

Just do one! (Newsletter 5/4/20)

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Happy Monday Happy Mom!

 Last week was A WEEK!!! No, you didn't miss my email, I didn't send one. I was overwhelmed! I know that's the time I should've reached out and let you know what I was thinking, but I was having a "life is junk" moment. 
     Last week started with my dad's birthday. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss him. At dinner that night, we talked about all the special memories of Papa. I was inspired to get more serious about writing in my journal. I told my kids they need to write/type in a journal their thoughts, reflections, daily plans, etc. because we are living through a pandemic. It was also my final week of my Master's Spring session. I get one week off this week (woohoo), then begin Summer session, then I'll be done!
     The beaches and parks were reopened for physical activity only, no lounging, which was fine by me. I really miss my Saturday morning beach walks with my baby. We also did a family hike last week. I use to be an avid hiker, but haven't really hiked in several years (besides Koko Head stairs) due to injuries. It was a difficult hike, but there was a beautiful waterfall at the top. The water was freezing cold, but felt so refreshing. 
     I slacked on my daily push-up goal last week, but I have come to a conclusion: do one! If I at least do one, I'll feel accomplished (but it's actually hard to stop at one). Same with all my other goals- call one friend, read one article, read one scripture, do one thing nice for someone in my household, take one deep breath when I feel like exploding, do one thing for myself (brush my hair, shave, put some eye makeup on), and the list goes on. 
     This is a weird time. My emotions are all over the place due to being a mom, teacher, student, friend, daughter, wife, all while social distancing and every monumental event being cancelled. 
     I want you to know, Kyla, that I truly think of you and hope that you are safe, healthy, and happy during this uncertain time. Please share what you chose to do for YOU on the Happy Moms Facebook page. Let me know how you are coping with social distancing, helping your children with distance learning,  and possibly, working from home. I hope you all have the best week ever. Put priority on yourself. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

What's on the Menu this week?                                  

MONDAY: Loco Moco
TUESDAY: Egg in a Bread
WEDNESDAY: Veggie/Seafood Pancakes
THURSDAY: Okonomiyaki (we can't get enough of this!)
FRIDAY: Veggie Thai Curry and Green Chicken Curry from Chutima's Kitchen
SATURDAY: Kids Cooking
SUNDAY: BBQ Shrimp and Ribs

What's happening at Happy Moms?
Tell me what you want to hear! I'll answer your questions on the Friday Night Live. Post questions and comments on the Facebook Page. Join me for my LIVE Mommy Chat on Friday 5:30 pm Hawaii time at

What's happening in my home?
Distance Learning, family workouts, kids cooking, movie nights (every night), sleeping-in, journal-writing, and goal-setting. 

Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with making time for yourself. If you need a pep talk to realize your worth, feel free to email me at and please post comments or suggestions on my Happy Moms Facebook page.

Happily Yours,

CANCELLED (Newsletter 5/11/20)

CANCELLED (Newsletter 5/11/20)

Procrastination is a pain in the butt! (Newsletter 3/2/20)

Procrastination is a pain in the butt! (Newsletter 3/2/20)