

Newsletter 12/18/17

Newsletter 12/18/17

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I hope that you were able to add regular physical activity onto your calendar this past week. If you did, keep it up. Don’t let the holidays be your excuse to focus on everyone else except yourself. If you didn't, it's ok. Start TODAY! Don't beat yourself up. Each day is a new opportunity to acknowledge your worth. 

In January of this year, I joined Egan’s Fit Body Bootcamp. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I was going through a slump of both injury and tiredness. For three months I told myself I was too busy to exercise, too tired, in too much pain from a muscle strain. Also, I was eating anything and everything I felt like eating. Then, as the New Year was approaching, I told myself 2017 is going to be better than 2016. I am going to stop making excuses, stop feeling miserable, and DO SOMETHING! I joined an 8-week challenge, change my eating habits, worked out 5-6 times a week, and lost 30 pounds in those 8 weeks. The best feeling was my children expressing how proud they were of me. It felt good to commit to something and stick with it. I've continued attending Bootcamp 4-6 times a week throughout this whole year and am loving the healthy/happy community I am a part of. I've learned that by setting goals and putting me on my calendar, I feel like a rockstar. 
The fact that the workout is just 30 minutes long is what drives me to never miss a class. “It’s just 2% of your day,” says the owner. Throughout my life and throughout motherhood, I’ve always kept active, but I have also gone through periods of months without physical activity. I completely understand how it is when you have a newborn baby along with other kids to care for and chauffeur around, in addition to a job and a home to run. Plus all the emotional stress that comes along with being a mom. Looking back, I realize that the times in my life when I was physically active were the happiest times. In contrast, when I didn’t place a priority on my health and my own well-being, I felt emotionally and physically drained.

Okay, that's enough about physical activity (for now). If you take a look at my Mommy Care Checklist, you'll see Date Night on there. If you don't have a significant other, then go out with a relative or friend. Have an adult conversation. Last week I was so fortunate to have a date night with my husband, a mom’s night out, a couple’s night out with three of my best friends from high school, and a night out with my husband and our youngest child. I really don't know how I squeezed all of that into one week, but I did. And that's certainly not a regular occurrence.

But making time for myself and for loved ones is a regular thing for me now. I've learned that I need to show my appreciation for those people who are special to me by putting them on my calendar and making it happen.  

The important thing is having "Datenight" on your calendar at least twice a month. My children are older, so they take care if each other. However, if you have young children, GET A SITTER. Place importance on your relationship with your significant other. 

This week I want you to focus on your RELATIONSHIPS.

Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

What's happening at Happy Moms?
Read my article on the Best Christmas Gift Ever! Also, join me for my first live Coffee Chat on Friday at
What's happening in my home?
The kids are done with finals, anticipating the last day of school, and filled with excitement about our holiday trip.

What's on the Menu this week?                                  
MONDAY: Leftover Spaghetti, cornbread
TUESDAY: Garlic Fish and Rice
WEDNESDAY: Chicken and Green Salad
THURSDAY: Beef Stroganoff 
FRIDAY: Eat Out (holiday trip)
SATURDAY: Eat Out (holiday trip)
SUNDAY: Christmas Eve Dinner
*We don't usually eat out so much, but
we will be on a trip for the holidays.

Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with implementing regular Date Night into your life. Feel free to email me at

Happily Yours,

Setting Goals

Setting Goals

The Best Christmas Gift Ever

The Best Christmas Gift Ever