

The greatest teacher in the world is... (Newsletter 7/10/18)

The greatest teacher in the world is... (Newsletter 7/10/18)

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Happy Monday Happy Mom!

How was your Monday? I hope you got a great start to your week. I apologize for not getting this out yesterday. I picked up my dad from his same-day surgery after work and ended up waiting in the recovery room for 3 hours just as a precaution. Better safe than sorry, but my dad was super frustrated and ready to run out of there. He also grew agitated when they told him he needed to relax for 3 days and not do any lifting or physical activity. My dad is 82-years-old and he asked his surgeon when he can begin lifting weights again. He was serious too. 
      Then when I got home, I began preparing dinner for about 30 people. We hosted a dinner last night for our "family" we've been gathering with once a month for over twenty years. A huge pot of chili to the rescue!
     As I looked around my living room last night and thought about the people who were present, I thought about what a great influence they all have been on my husband and I and on my children. Words that came to mind were "good people" and "love."
     Who is the greatest influence on your children? Is it you? Is it their friends? A relative? A teacher? I know as moms, we hope to play an important role in teaching our children. How do we become our child's greatest teacher?
     Well, most importantly, be involved in our children's lives. Yes, I am that mom! You know the mom who asks too many questions. The mom who interjects herself into her children's conversations with their friends. The mom who insists on talking to the other parents before any get-togethers or sleepovers occur. That mom who needs to know exactly where my children are at all times and who they are with. It's because I know what a great influence who my children choose to surround themselves with make on their lives. After all, "you are the sum of the five people you hang out with the most." As parents, it's most important to 1) teach behavioral expectations, 2) model expectations (ie. don't expect them not to swear if you use bad language, don't expect your children to eat their vegetables if you don't model healthy eating), and 3) love them anyway. By love them anyway, I mean show unconditional love no matter what they do. But always use every moment as a teaching moment. 
     It is my hope that when my children are asked who their greatest teacher is, they will answer, "my parents." But I know that title must be earned. I can't just command my children to be this, do this, act this way, etc... I need to give them my time. As much time as I physically can. And I need to be a good role model. I need to speak kindly so that my children will learn respect. I need to love myself so that my children will develop self-confidence. I need to be a part of my children's good days and bad days. The title "Mom" encompasses it all- teacher, nurse, therapist, coach, chauffeur, judge, chef, and so much more. Whether we admit it or not, we are our children's greatest teacher. 
     I want to know your thoughts on this topic. Please comment on the Happy Moms Facebook page or email me at
      I hope you all have the best week ever. Put priority on yourself. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

Mo’ili’ili Bon Dance

Mo’ili’ili Bon Dance

What's on the Menu this week?

MONDAY: Chili, Rice, Cornbread, Green Salad
TUESDAY: Lasagna- meat or veggie
WEDNESDAY: Lettuce Wraps (steak or cucumber & crab)
THURSDAY: Naan with Pesto and Tomatoes (add chicken for kids)
FRIDAY: Eat Out (MIL and Aunt visiting from Maui)
SATURDAY: Poke (raw fish) over Rice or Green Salad
SUNDAY: Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Grean Beans

Saturday Date with my youngest!

Saturday Date with my youngest!

What's happening at Happy Moms?
I'm working on a special course for you as well as new photos for my website. Also, join me for my LIVE Mommy Chat on Friday 4 at

What's happening in my home? We are trying to squeeze in doctor and dentist appointments before school starts. Also, busy preparing for 3 different camps- scout, youth, and church camps. And sadly, realizing there are only 4 more weeks of summer vacation left. 

Have a Happy week!

Please let me know what you want to discuss on this week's Mommy Chat on Friday. If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions please email me at and post comments or suggestions on my Happy Moms Facebook page too!

Happily Yours,

I am a Happy Mom!

I am a Happy Mom!

Be An Advocate For Your Child's Medical Care

Be An Advocate For Your Child's Medical Care