

Newsletter 1/29/18

Newsletter 1/29/18

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Happy Monday Happy Mom!

Did you have a productive week? Were you able to focus on your goals? Did you spend time with the people you care about?
      As I celebrated two momentous anniversaries last week, I thought about how important change is. I know change can be scary sometimes. But it is so important for growth. I truly believe in the popular quote, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
      When I think about my health and fitness goals, I remember how successful I was last year when I shocked my body with intense workouts six days a week and a completely different diet. By changing the time in between each meal, the time I ate my last meal, and the foods I ate, I was able to achieve my health goals. It was super difficult to give up sugary drinks and desserts, but I did. 

Change is hard.

      It was not easy waking up at 5:00 every morning to work out. It was even harder to have a healthy breakfast that was not sugary carbs. Also, it was very difficult watching my family enjoy a nice pasta dinner with dessert, while I ate chicken and lettuce wraps. But when I watched the numbers on the scale go down and down, that made it all worth it.
      Change is also so important when it comes to attitude. It's amazing how changing one's attitude can affect the entire situation. When things seem bad, or we are placed in situations we didn't choose, a positive outlook can help tremendously. January is coming to a close. It's a time to ask ourselves, am I doing things the exact way I was at the beginning of the month? Am I experiencing the results I want? Am I surrounding myself with people who are helping me move forward? Or am I hanging out with people who are hindering me?
     I actually love the end of the month because it is a great time of reflection. It's a time to think about what is working and what isn't. Think about your daily routine. Is it moving you towards your goals? If not, what changes are necessary?
     As I reflect, I realize I need to change my eating habits, my time management actions, and my spending habits. I do think change is good. Sometimes we get too comfortable with doing the same things day in and day out. But "comfort is the enemy of progress." If we want things in our life to be different, we must make it happen.
     I hope that this week you will reflect on your goals. Reflect on what you are doing with your time and who you are spending your time with. Have you made any changes this year? Have you set your own well-being as a priority? I challenge you this week to pick one thing you want to change and do it! Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

My new bedroom

My new bedroom

Spotlight on my Goal Poster

Spotlight on my Goal Poster

What's on the Menu this week?

MONDAY: Shoyu Chicken, Green Beans
TUESDAY: Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus
WEDNESDAY: French Bread Pizza (family),
GNO @ CPK (me)
THURSDAY: Steak and Green Salad
FRIDAY: Breakfast Burritos
SATURDAY: Salmon, Steamed Brocolli
SUNDAY: Spinach Ravioli

What's happening at Happy Moms?
We have 5 new subscribers to the Happy Moms Community!
Join me for my LIVE Coffee Chat on Friday at and let's talk about our February goals!

What's happening in my home?
We all switched bedrooms and the kids have new beds (well, previously loved). We also moved my mom in with us. Change is good.

Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with working on your goals. Feel free to email me at

Happily Yours,

Newsletter 2/5/18

Newsletter 2/5/18

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Are You Forgetting a Key Ingredient to Happiness?