

Teaching is great! (Newsletter 3/18/19)

Teaching is great! (Newsletter 3/18/19)

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Spring Break Baby!
Happy Monday Happy Mom,
     Are your kids home on Spring Break?  My children are all on spring break and so am I! I'm loving it! We had a busy weekend with the annual Kamehameha song contest, a judo tournament, church, and family over for games and St. Patrick's Day dinner- fresh corned beef and cabbage. 
     So today, my first official day of spring break, I am relaxing. I slept in, took care of my mom, ate an oatmeal/cranberry cookie for breakfast, and am now relaxing on my chair in my room. I may take my daughter to the beach for a couple of hours before heading to the gym. Tonight my son is having some friends over so they can go to the beach early tomorrow morning. He requested pizza for dinner so I'll be headed to Dominos after the gym. Tomorrow is his 17th birthday. I want to cry! He's that much closer to adulthood. He drove himself to his PT appointment today and he wants to spend his birthday with his friends at the beach. But at least he wants to go out to dinner with just the family for his birthday too. I'll take that!
     I've had a tradition since my kids were very young to spend one-on-one time with each kid during school breaks. I tried to cater our outings to each child's interests. For example, I remember taking my eldest daughter to the contemporary art museum because she is a great artist. But I know that only she would appreciate that place out of all my children. I took my younger son the Lego Store and let him play for a while, bought him a small lego set, then had lunch. My other daughter, we went stand up paddling. Anyway, I like to do things that interest my children and recognize that they are unique individuals. 
     So I want to ask you- what are your plans for spring break? I had a friend over at my house last night and we were talking about having babies attached to us (she has 5 kids including 2 little babies) and how sometimes it's tiring and we put our own needs on hold. But we both agreed that it's all worth it. Having someone who we put first, who makes us experience real love, who trusts us with everything...that's what motherhood is. 
     So during spring break, yes I'm going to relax and take care of my needs. I'm going to take care of business by taking my mom and kids to some doctor's appointments. I'm going to file my taxes, go through the mail, and focus on my website. But most of all, I'm going to spend time with my family. My mother-in-law and her sister are staying with me for a week and I'm so happy to spend time with them. I am truly thankful for this time off work so that I can spend time with my own mom too and serve her and take care of things for her. Most of all, I'm grateful for the time with my children and my husband. 
    To my fellow Happy Moms, I want to encourage you to prioritize your life to include the people who mean the most to you. Also, take care of yourself, your needs, your wants, and what makes you happy. Trust me, you can do it all! You are strong and beautiful. 
     Please share what chose to do for YOU on the Happy Moms Facebook page. I hope you all have the best week ever. Put a priority on yourself. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

What's on the Menu this week?

TUESDAY: Island Burgers
WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti and Garlic Knots
THURSDAY: Fresh Corned Beef and Cabbage
FRIDAY: Kim Chee Rice Bowls
SUNDAY: Baked Cornflake Chicken, Green Salad

What's Happening at Happy Moms?
New article coming soon. Also, join me for my LIVE Mommy Chat on Friday 3:30 pm Hawaii time at

What's happening in my home?
Well as you know it's Spring Break so we are all having a blast! TV time, game nights, beach, touring the island, hiking, relaxing, youth activities, service projects, doctor's appointments, oh and a birthday!

Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with making time for yourself. If you need a pep talk to realize your worth, feel free to email me at and please post comments or suggestions on my Happy Moms Facebook page.

Happily Yours,

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Itʻs So Hard to Say Goodbye

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