

Newsletter 1/15/18

Newsletter 1/15/18

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Happy Monday Happy Mom!

      Have you made time this week to sit down and commit to yourself? Have you set aside goal planning time daily, weekly, monthly? Have you put YOU on your calendar?
      It helps me so much to take an hour on Sundays to plan out my week, plan out my menu, discuss with my family each of our upcoming events, special projects, transportation needs, and financial needs. I also take an hour to focus on my most important goal. As you know, I've made a goal poster, and I constantly look at it and keep every goal in my head. Each day, each week, and each month I decide what my most important goal is. If you haven't set New Year Goals yet, it's not too late. Just write one down. Just one. Then break it down and give it a time frame. 
      On a different note, I wanted to share with you that this Happy Mom's life is not always rainbows and unicorns.
I had a personal experience with dealing with someone who is just way up on his high horse and reminded me firsthand what I talked about on my live chat- you can only control yourself. You can only control your own thoughts and actions. I've had a lot of practice deep breathing lately with my bruised rib, forcing myself to deep breathe to facilitate the healing process. So when dealing with unkind, haughty people, I take a deep breath, think of something positive, and remind myself that everyone has their own issues going on and no one is perfect. 
      Then something like getting a missile threat alert on my phone happens, and makes me think about how really insignificant these issues are and worrying about things/people I cannot change is not the best use of my time.
Yes, on Saturday Hawaii was awaken to a missile threat. I was seven minutes into my workout when we were instructed to check our phones. "Emergency Alert BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL." We all looked at each other in shock. Some opted to remain at the gym for shelter. Most of us moms left in a hurry. My only thoughts were to get home to my family and to call my daughters on the mainland. I got both of their voicemails and left them both this message, "I love you very much."
      It ended up being a false alarm, an error. I think this weekend was a time for much reflection for many residents of Hawaii. Many expressed anger and annoyance on social media. For me, it was a time to count my blessings. It reminded me what my WHY is. My REASON to exist. I breathe, I work hard, I press forward every single day so that I can enjoy moments with my husband and five children. I take care of my health, my physical, emotional, and mental health, so that I can be there for those that I love. I search for ways to be happy and to make others happy. Happiness is contagious. 
"The noblest art is that of making others happy." ~P.T. Barnum

This week I want you to focus on your WHY. Write it down. Make a plan. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!



My Rock

My Rock

What's on the Menu this week?  
MONDAY: Portuguese Bean Soup over rice
TUESDAY: Shoyu Chicken, corn, green beans
WEDNESDAY: Potstickers, Steamed Brocolli
THURSDAY: Steak, Ceasar Salad
FRIDAY: Lasagna (Kirkland Signature Italian Sausage & Beef)
SUNDAY: Chicken Alfredo over Penne Pasta

What's happening at Happy Moms?
Read my article on Setting Your Child up for Success! Also, join me for my live Coffee Chat on Friday at 10:00am HAST; 3:00pm EST 
What's happening in my home?
We retiled and painted our kitchen, which set me in a clean out the fridge and cabinets mission. We watched two awesome movies, "Coco" and "The Greatest Showman." I highly recommend these two movies. My kids agree. 

Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with goal setting, making a change, finding time to take care of YOU, or anything else. Check out my website for tips on raising teens and taking care of MOM. Join me in My Happy Moms Community over at my Happy Moms facebook page. Feel free to email me at

Happily Yours,

Newsletter 1/22/18

Newsletter 1/22/18

Setting Your Child Up For Success

Setting Your Child Up For Success