

Newsletter 1/22/18

Newsletter 1/22/18

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Happy Monday Happy Moms!

      Do you know what your WHY is? Were you able to focus on your WHY this past week?
My WHY is of course my family, but more specifically to be able to spend intentional time with them and appreciate and enjoy every moment together. 
      If I'm not working or taking care of household duties, I need to be engaged in either self-care or quality time with someone special in my life. If I'm sitting being idle, I am not progressing toward my goals. 
      So does that mean we should never watch television or surf social media? I think the time spent doing those activities should be 1)limited & scheduled and 2)intentionally spent with someone else. There was a time about a decade ago I was so addicted to Grey's Anatomy on TV. I HAD to watch it and no one could talk to me while I was watching this show. I planned my whole evening around it. I put the kids to bed before it started, but heaven forbid we should have a late night, I turned into a monster and even skipped family prayer to watch it. I just HAD to see what was happening in Meredith Grey's life. Fast forward to today...
      The only time I watch TV is when we are watching a show as a family or I'm spending time with my youngest daughter watching our show on Netflix. My daughter and I watch "Switched at Birth" on Netflix together about once a week or less. Many of the actors are deaf, so there's captions and it's really helped my daughter read faster and we are learning sign language together. It's our time together. I'll also sit and watch my son play Xbox and let him explain things to me (even though I really don't understand).
      This Tuesday is the one year anniversary of the day I joined Eganโ€™s Fit Body Bootcamp. On that same day a year ago I joined Luisa Zhou's online course "Employee to Entrepreneur" course. That was one productive day for me. But was it a productive year?
      Yes!!! I started out 2017 super committed to both my health goals and my entrepreneurial goals. I changed my eating habits, lost thirty pounds, and decided on a target community for my website. BUT, I completely slacked on both goals when May rolled around. I started eating unhealthy again and didn't put any time into my business. In my mind spending as much time as possible with my two older girls before they left for college was more important than those goals. But I felt awful about myself. I gained back some of the weight I lost and was just putting anything and everything into my mouth. On a positive note, my two daughters joined Egan's bootcamp for the summer so we worked out together all summer.
      As far as my business goals went, it took a fellow ETE'er to knock some sense into me. She asked why I stopped working on my business and I said because I was spending all my time with my children. She replied that her desire to spend time with her children is what keeps her working on her business so that next summer she can be making money WHILE spending time with her children. That was the kick in the butt I needed! I started working hard again, researching, interviewing, and writing. A few months later Happy Moms was created. 
      I feel that recognizing WHY we do things, WHY we have specific goals, and WHY we spend our time doing specific things is so important. Once we know that WHY and write it down, we must acknowledge it everyday and always move forward. However, if we slip and fall, we must remember that it's okay and pick ourselves up. Recognize that you're not alone. We all go through slumps. Share your ups and downs with your community. Take time for yourself. And make time for others. 

      This week I want you to focus on being positive. Ask yourself how you can learn from your experiences. Remember what your WHY is and make your dreams a reality. Make time! Get Happy! You are worth it!!!

What's happening at Happy Moms?
Welcome ten more subscribers to the Happy Moms Community.  Also, join me for my live Coffee Chat on Friday at

What's happening in my home?
The renovation is almost done. The three younger kids got their report cards. No one's getting grounded. So, awesome job! Kyla performed in her school's production of "Legallly Blonde" and Kaylen got a new job!

What's on the Menu this week?                                  
MONDAY: Poke (raw fish) and Rice/ 
Lettuce Wraps
TUESDAY: Baked Veggies over brown rice/sweet potatoes*
THURSDAY: Pasta bar (special event)
FRIDAY: Baked Furikake salmon
SUNDAY: Tomato Bisque, Grilled
Cheese Sandwich
*got this recipe from a video on Goodly "Vegetarian Meal Prep Your Day"

Have a Happy week! Please let me know if I can be of help in any way with recognizing your WHY and how to achieve your goals. Feel free to email me at

Happily Yours,

Are You Forgetting a Key Ingredient to Happiness?

Are You Forgetting a Key Ingredient to Happiness?

Newsletter 1/15/18

Newsletter 1/15/18